Sunday, June 15, 2014

Post-College Sentiments

As my college career is coming to a close, I have been thinking back a lot on the experiences I have had during my time here. I think I have learned more nonacademic things than academic, although I had my share of both. So I thought I would share some of these experiences from the past 4 years.

I learned::

- Packing and unpacking becomes an art when you move every 6 months.

- Not everyone here is as marriage obsessed as you would think.

- Sometimes the people that are more obsessed with it are the last to get married.

- Making dinner for all your roommates on a rotating schedule works for 1 semester only.

- Bringing your stuffed moaning dinosaur from childhood to college is always a good idea (conversation starter between new roommates).

- Taking two different marriage prep classes was a good choice- one first semester when it was for fun and one when engaged and it actually mattered.

- Pudding and donuts is the question. Yes is the answer.

- Care packages from home can make the worst day into a great day.

- Labeling all your bananas individually is necessary.

- Sometimes your roommates are your only friends.

- Sometimes your roommates are not your friends at all.

-You know you're accomplished at yoga when you master this pose:

- You can survive off top ramen and pickles for an extended period of time.

- Your first date at college is sometimes a dud.

- Chubby Bunny is the best option for Friday night fun.

- Sometimes its a national emergency when you run out of Pizza Pringles.

- Sometimes you make friendships that change you for the better.

- And also for the worse.

- Making new friends is always easier as a freshman.

- When you lose your drivers license in the couch cushions and your roommates find it for you, you are forever indebted to them (and should tackle them with gratefulness).

- Sometimes you use a lid as a plate and a ladle as a spoon when you're out of dishes.

- I always love snow, even in the spring months.

- Swedish fish and N*Sync are the makings of a good road trip.

- Sometimes people pretend to act drunk whilst playing alcohol-free soda pong. And it's obnoxious.

- Neighbors turn into best friends.

- Missions make boys so much more attractive.

- Nylons can fit two heads in one pair and makes for siamese bandits.

- 80's is the best theme for dances.

- A bond happens when all roommates have CTR rings on.

- A pink streak in your hair is necessary for testing limits and self discovery.

- It's okay to have a Justin Beiber poster hanging in your living room before he turned into a jerk.

- Learning hip hop makes you feel like Nicki Minaj.

- Chicken Nuggets are a great bonding experience.

- Especially when you feed them to a baby chick dropped off at your doorstep.

- Taco Bell tastes best at 2am.

- Sometimes your best friend flies from California to Washington, and drives back down to Idaho just for your surprise birthday party. Sometimes those are the best friends ever.

- Cheesecake brownie Ben 'n Jerry's solves all problems

- Planking is the best and I wish it would come back.

- Halloween thru New Years is the best time of the year.

- When you catch a creepy spider in your cup, sometimes its okay to throw that cup out...the window.

- A bus of tacos isn't worth all the hype it gets.

- Sometimes you have to try different kinds of ice cream (or boys) to know what you like best.

- Only the cool teachers take you on field trips to Yellowstone and make volcanoes from Mentos and Coke.

- The best roommates let you make their hair into beaded dreadlocks.

- Memorizing the entire Proclamation to the Family can be done in one night.

- Making thousands of cookies is the best sort of homework procrastination.

- Having photo shoots by yourself is often a good choice when you're the only roommate without a date on Friday night.

- Piano is a hobby for me, rather than a major.

- Wet toilet paper rolls make for great fake poop pranks.

- Adopting a fish was a great choice...until roommates abducted and killed it

- Sometimes the love of your life is sitting next to you in Chemistry. And you didn't even know it.

- If said man can rock the heck out of your heels and make you brownies whilst protecting you with a nerf gun, you know he's the one. (Also, bacon roses help).

- Camels got sass.

- Don't go to Lagoon during Frightmares. Crazy long lines for lame haunted houses.

- The Skycoaster ride at Lagoon is a good indicator of how tolerant your fiance will be of you in your marriage.

- Soup cans work wonderfully as ankle weights.

- Dressing up your fiance in drag is necessary.

- Sometimes the best semester of roommates is the last one you'll ever have.

- Wedding petticoats are fun.

- Getting married within 2 weeks of your cousin and best friend is awesome.

- Getting married is the best thing ever.

- Going to Disney World as newlyweds is pretty great too.

- Sometimes you don't know how to be a housewife and your egg drop soup looks like vomit.

- Dance parties are still fun when you get married. And even more fun when you get to have a sleepover with your date.

- Sometimes this is necessary in your home because of where you met.

- Buy a plunger before you need a plunger.

- Putting on a blood drop suit and running around is actually more fun than it sounds.

- You can't transfer your own motivation to someone else.

- The couple that exfoliates together, stays together.

- You can surprise yourself when you jump into fitness and do a Try-a-Tri.

- Farm animals enjoy selfies.

- Once in a blue moon, random celebrities grace the town of Rexburg.

- Fruit by the Foot makes the best car streamers.

- Getting a puppy is sometimes the perfect addition to your family.

If you made it this far...congrats.

Basically, I've had some great times here at BYUI. And I wouldn't trade those memories for anything. Thanks Rexburg, it's been real.

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