Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I suck at blogging

If you couldn't tell.

Sorry folks (all 3 readers haha).

Well, I don't need to blog about The Bach, cuz Emily does that already for me. :)

So you may be wondering why my url is so random? I'll explain.
MAT is my initials (Morgan Alyssa Titus)
DOT is his initials (Derek Oliver Titus)

The end. He hates it when I call him polka dot. He says it's too cute. Nonsense.

Some secrets from this week:
-I love living with a boy. Especially since I never have considering I grew up with all sisters. I don't even mind when he leaves the toilet seat up. (I know, you longer married couples are scoffing right now)
-I hope our 'newlywed' attitudes never wear off.
-I wish we had more movies. Nacho Libre and The Notebook are getting old.
-My love for skiing has recently been awakened. It's taking a lot in me to not drop out of school and become a ski bum. Just kidding. But not really.
-Cooking is a big, long mountain to climb. And I just passed the Entrance sign.
-Panini's (sort of) work on a George Foreman
-Not all Pinterest recipes work
-That being said, don't try pizzadillas. They're gross. Just have pizza. Or dillas.
-We're both really bad at eating healthy. Pringles scream at me to buy them when I go grocery shopping
-I hope I want kids in the next 20 years. It's not looking too bright right now.
-"I'll text you so we can hang out!" never happens
-Although being with the hubby 24/7 is great, being apart makes it that much harder
-Rexburg is a moisture sucker of a city
-We might graduate a year from this semester!
-I'm scared for the uncertainty of what will happen after that
-I want a puppy so so so so so so so so bad. Like so bad.
-How can you be sweaty and cold at the same time??
-Don't buy $0.99 chocolate cake.
-Farts are funny in Macy's
-And everywhere (we aren't mature enough to be parents haha)
-Sometimes a hug is all you need to make a day better
-I love this Gospel
-My husband says the cutest prayers. (Even if he does say 'skewl')
-New pet peeve: socks that fall down in boots after 5 steps.
-Walking all over campus with a heavy backpack actually counts as exercise
-Relief Society activities can be fun
-Sometimes I get claustrophobic in jeans
-I hate driving in snow. Or rain.
-I can't wait to get our wedding pictures back!


Monday, January 14, 2013

Because I Can

You want to know one of my favorite things about college, but also marriage? Doing whatever the freak I want! It's seriously so awesome.

Guess what I had for dinner? Twizzlers.
Why? Because I can!

I have homework to do. But I'm blogging first.
Why? Because I can!

I don't label any of my food anymore!
Why? Because I can!

Guess what food I buy more than anything else? Pringles!
Why? Because I can!

Why, do you ask, do I have a Periodic table shower curtain?
Because I can!

Why do I get in pajamas as soon as I get home from class? (even if it ends before noon?)
Because I can! (If being in your pj's before 7pm is wrong, then I don't want to be right.)

I love the freedom of running my own home, if you couldn't tell. And I can't wait when I have kids and they say, "Mom why do I have to eat vegetables and go to bed early?" And I can say the phrase that has so many times been said to me, "Because I'm the mom"and that constitutes as a valid enough answer for the first 18 years of their lives.

However. I did get a "because you can't" this week. I went to donate plasma to do a good deed (and get some ca$h) and I waited a whole 2 hours in line and got a finger prick and blood pressured and even urinated in a cup. And guess what? All that hulabaloo for nothing. Once the nurse lady asked me a bajilion questions about if I have traveled to Kenya or Djbouti or done injection drugs or had sex with a gay man before 1977 (what the random?) they asked about past blood disorders and-- BOOM. I was done for. So because I had wimpy blood when I was 12 and got cured and have been fine ever since, I am permanently labeled with sucky blood forever. So that was kind of a waste.

I only have one class tomorrow- HALLELUJAH! 'Cept because I am only taking 12 credits this semester (stupid online class won't add me off the waitlist -__-) I kinda feel like a leech on those tithe-payer's moneys on days like tomorrow :/

Things I learned today:
-There is such thing as a snow day in Rexburg (but it has to be -20 degrees and freeze all the power out of the city.)
-I feel B.A. when I walk around outside and its below 0. But then my ears about fall off and I can't put my hood up cuz it was a good hair-do day.
-Anat and Phys lab isn't as scary as I thought it was at 11:30 last night.
-I love D&C. Like alot. The class, the teacher, and the scrips.
-I suck at journaling. And remembering when to take out my laundry.
-Any day with no tests is a good day. Even if you slip on ice and *almost* fall on your bum. Multiple times. (Slipping is an accomplished art here in the burg. I would hope I would be good at it by now.)
-Ipod headphone wires freeze in funny shapes 3 seconds after going outside.
-It bugs me when people complain about the cold. Yes, its cold, captain obvious. No, nobody likes it. So stahp whining and put on your big girl panties.
-I'm on a massive Mexican food trip. I like burritos. Everyday. No, it hasn't gotten old yet. Maybe never will.
-It's not fun filling out name change forms
-The post man becomes Santa Claus when you are waiting for an online order :D
-My blog posts are so random. whoops.
-I'll try and get better at that.

I might make brownies tomorrow. Cuz I can.

P.S. I love this dapper young fellow. He makes my day.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Marriage is Awesome

Hey there.

So I've noticed that all the trendiest of newlyweds, or not-so-newlyweds have a blog. And I always thought to myself, "that would be cool, but I just don't know how to blog or even where to start. I'll do it when I'm married." And lo and behold, here I am- married. So thus begins a new chapter of my life and I'm going to try out this new thing and see where it goes...

I'm Morgan. Spontaneous, crazy, determined, go-big-or-go-home, contemplative, sometimes outspoken, easily distracted. I want to love cooking. I don't yet. I want to learn to sew. All those neat, house-wifey things that a married lady should know (and I thought would come automatically with the husband, home, and responsibility-it didn't.) I want to learn and perfect over time. School is pretty much the main priority right now, though. Which I'm okay with, I'm getting better at that too. When I'm not in the study-till-your-eyes-fall-out-and-still-fail-the-test-anyway classes. *cough cough Chemistry* But I'm so glad I did go through that because:
a. It gave me a better appreciation for the difficulty (or lack thereof) of other courses I'm taking.
b. It gave me better study habits
c. I met the man of my dreams there.

Yes, folks. The man of my dreams sat next to me. And got me a stool when I was too short to reach the top of the test tube in lab. It was just like in Twilight. The lab partner scene where Edward and Bella were sharing a microscope. 'Cept less creepy, I actually had facial expressions and my lab partner was way hotter. Small talk of hometowns, (a 30 minute drive away from each other! how convenient) favorite foods, and how much we despised the class were my favorite part of the 3 hour time block from H-E- double hockey sticks. With some sticky relationship mixups and mishaps, we eventually came to the conclusion, that, 'hey, we're a pretty good match and we should maybe possibly start the most epic family ever together.' Just kidding. But we did decide dating was a pretty good idea. And with that, some bacon roses, and some of the funnest dates I've been on-the rest is history.

So yes, being married is awesome, wonderful, and still new. But I'm getting the hang of it, day by day. We just decorated out apartment last night, and it is now furnished with light up fake flowers, candles galore, and a little birdy toothbrush holder. It's not the most sophisticated, but I love it. It fits perfectly with where we are in life. Marriage is awesome, folks. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. What could be better than a sleepover every night with your best friend?