Monday, October 14, 2013

It's a Chilly Monday Night...

...and I wish it would snow.

-October is half over! How did this happen?? Taylor and I were discussing the other day that we enjoy this because one holiday just leads into the next great holiday (Halloween to Thanksgiving to Christmas to New Years to depression from lack of holidays after that! Yay!)

-I've been having a hard time using 'is' and 'are' correctly. No, I am not from the south. No, I don't have any other speech impediments. I just get so excited with what I'm saying sometimes that it comes out as, "When is the people coming?" or "the noodles is being made" or "how is you putting on your jacket?" (jk about the last one). I sound like a hick and Derek is trying to correct this foul habit of mine. I do it a bunch more than I realize and there are much progress to be made.

-Sometimes there are little pre-college-ers touring campus with mom + dad in golf carts deciding if this is the sheltered, non-capri school they wish their little ones to attend. ("Ohhhh. This school allows capris? That's a no from us then. We can't have our daughter showing her ankles to all the boys here, wouldn't want her to be a trollop!"). And sometimes the kids have looks of wonder on their faces while driving around campus like its some sort of safari or something ("there's no hall monitors at this school?! Awesome!"). And sometimes I am walking around on campus when one of these chauffered vehicles drives by and they all stare at me in wonder and awe. And I can totally imagine the guide saying, "And here is one of our rarest species, the Five-one-icus femalius. They like techno music and burritos. Lucky to see one of them here today!" And then I sneeze and they give a chorus of "oOoh"s and clap gently.

-One time I awakened to find that I had developed some sort of eye-ailment overnight for no reason. I considered staying home for the day, but then decided that everyone needed a little dose of my beauty, particularly radiant on that day. So I spiffied up and wore my quasi-modo face with dignity.

It went away within a few hours but I thoroughly enjoyed my time as a Disney character. Authentic Disney character. None of that princess crap.

-This past weekend I went to Utah with Taylor and Derek met us there. It was a blast and a much needed break. Sister talks the whole car ride down and back created some interesting quotes:

::"Oh this car is slower than molasses on a bad day!"
:: Sail by Awolantion came on the radio, Taylor-"What band is this? AOL?" 
:: "No pebbles to be thrown at you!"

Time was well spent with the grandparents as well. I loved that once we introduced grandma to the 'voice-changer plus' app on her phone, her first thought was, "You can record your voice and make it sound different and then call people and they wouldn't even know it was you!" Yes, grandma, you can definitely prank call people using this. She's a hoot. And Grandpa was so sweet and was giving away some of his old treasured knick knacks. I got some awesome stuff (mini-binoculars. Watch out world, closet creep is comin out).

I finally got my Chipotle fix in! Sooo delicious. Only I think it just feeds my addiction for more.

Derek and I also went to a Krewella concert! It was uh-may-zing. Best concert ever. (Well, only concert ever, but that will change.) However, the company was less than to be desired. I think I had the widest range of smells I've ever had, from hairspray to B.O. to perfume to weed to who-knows-what-else to beef top ramen. My nose had quite the adventure. And I almost got an elbow to the nose about 50 million times. Ahh, the joys of being a Five-one-icus femalius

I'm gonna go punch the hay. G'naght, y'all!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Nutella and Tap Shoes

 It's time for another episode of...

Things I have Learned as of Late.

-Nutella on toast is the food of the angels. I'm convinced that's all we will eat in heaven. I freaking hope so. (which is really weird considering I hated toast before this discovery. Boo butter. Boo cinnamon. Boo honey or anything else that goes on toast.)

-Sissys are the best :) I love having my oldest little sis here at school with me! She listens to my rants about dumb things and gives me advice like what else I can put on my toast (more Nutella). And we go to the gym together (to work off that Nutella) and gossip about her latest date! (And yes, we even go to the gym on Fridays. With all the other dejected and dateless. That's what you call determination to be fit.) It's the best. And then there is middle little sister who sends me funny Les Mis memes for me to laugh at all day...

(are you dying of laughter yet?)

And we can't forget youngest young sister who is a tap dancing wonder and every time I put on my tap shoes I think of her and how I probably look like a wanna-be child star from 'America's Got Talent' or something.

-Speaking of tap shoes, my classes are in full swing currently. My clogging class is definitely the most fun (and obnoxious to do homework practice on the kitchen floor. But oh well, we live on the bottom floor), Microbiology is the most interesting (there are more bacteria on your cellphone than on your toilet. ew. I'm turning into a germophobe), Community Health Methods is the most thought-provoking, Epidemiology is pretty meh, and Medical Terminology is a waste of my time (and its online which doesn't help). 

-Everybody's saying that they hate that it's cold and snowing in Utah but I'm ready for a blizzard. A huge one. I love when the world looks like a snowglobe.

-I hate autocorrect. Since when would I use "uif" instead of "the"???

-Sometimes there is flatulence in the middle of the night. And sometimes Derek responds with a proud,  "That's ma girl!"and I think nothing of it. Sometimes the next morning he doesn't remember saying that and I realized that 2 + 2 = sleeptalking!!! Derek is officially a sleeptalker. Prepare for funnier stories to come (I hope).

-I learned that I will have a heart attack if the magical ice cream store that is Thor's disappears. Because it did. After wringing out my shirt of tears and going through a whole box of tissues I have resolved that I have to find somewhere that sells Bubblebear ice cream. So the quest is on. 

-Sometimes Haunted Houses are a rip off. Like 'House of the Seven Gables' in Rigby, ID *cough cough*. We went there yesterday and paid a wad of cash for 5 minutes of people in cloaks trying to grab your feet and some obnoxious screaming coming from upstairs. I don't recommend it. It wasn't even that scary. (meaning I didn't wet my pants) But I do enjoy a good, pants-wetting, long, walkthrough scare fest as much as the next person. Dr. Slaughter's in Idaho Falls is still the one to beat, folks. 

Welp, that's all peeps!