Random Tidbits:
-So I saw this guy singing his lungs out on the way to class, with no ipod or any sort of accompaniment, without a care in the world. I wish we could all be that carefree! The world would be a better place if we were.
-It's snowing! I am so happy. If the weather is going to be butt- cold, it better at least snow. If not, warm up to 70 degrees please.
-Cake cookies are still amazing even though you have exhausted the crap outta them from making them 59 million times cuz they are so easy! (Cake mix, 1/4c. water, 1/4c. veggie oil, 1 egg. Mix, bake.) Cookies of the angels.
-I miss my fambly at holiday times like these
-I want a puppy please. Or a lamb.
-I love packages in the mail :)
-Taylor is just the funnest person to talk to for forever! Even if she thinks the Sign language interpreter signing at devotional to the hearing impaired is teaching them how to sign :) I love having a sister here at school!
-Visiting teaching is awesome. I did my teaching which was rad, and got taught in the same night!
It's mah burfday tomorrow! Woot woot! I can finally.....uh....well... nothing new comes with 21 but oh well, another year down! Seriously the past year has been the best. I started dating this guy I had a crush on, (on our first date I seriously sounded like this I was so nervous!) we started dating the day after Valentine's Day (cuz the day of was too much pressure to do something amazing even though it was our first date) and had our first kiss on my birthday last year! It was the best birthday present ever :) Then as they say, the rest is history. He proposed 5 months later, and after 5 months of engagement, we were sealed for time and all eternity! It was the best year ever. I can't wait to see what the future brings :)
First Picture together
Bacon roses for my birthday! He's a keeper
Our wiener dog-pig that we made from one of our first few dates.
We made this fort and watched movies and ate ice cream in it-the first week we were dating. I knew then and there he was the one :)